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Psychology of computer programming pdf download

Psychology of computer programming. Gerald M. Weinberg

Psychology of computer programming
ISBN: 0932633420,9780932633422 | 299 pages | 8 Mb

Download Psychology of computer programming

Psychology of computer programming Gerald M. Weinberg
Publisher: Dorset House

In fact, a successful reduction is merely translation from a high-level language (like psychology) to a low-level language (like a computer programming language), without any loss of detail. Critical subject matter should include economics, statistics, mathematics, logic and systems modeling, current (not historical) cultural evolution, psychology, and computer programming. Instead of being focused solely on the code being written, The Psychology of Computer Programming looks at the thought process behind the person actually writing the code. Lilly referred to this self-programming ability as metaprogramming, and reported on his research in his . That question calls forth all of computer science from low-level machine design, through compilers, operating systems, programming and interaction design, to psychology and organisation theory. The psychology of computer programming. So this is it; modern psychology, computer programming and neurophysiology meets ancient mysticism. The Psychology of Computer Programming: Silver Anniversary eBook EditionFeaturesGoods DescriptionThis landmark 1971 classical is reprinted next to a new. Lilly's experiments showed that the brain could be treated as a programmable entity similar to a digital computer, but a computer which could program itself. As usual I'm going to quote from a few pages. Is an excellent book by Jerry Weinberg. I will buy into this congruence buzzword, if this is the same Gerald Weinberg who wrote Psychology of Computer Programming. In my experience, we rarely look at psychological issues related to software development.

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